Howard Brayton

Howard Brayton



Oxfordshire Special Needs Research Project

OxSpec: was a collaborative research project between Oxfordshire Education Authority and Oxford Brookes University School of Education. It was launched in 1992. Practising teachers who either held a Master's degree or were studying for it, were seconded for one day a week to carry out classroom research.

The Project's Co-ordinator was the County's Inspector for Special Educational Needs, Howard Brayton.

Its mission statement is set out below:

OxSpec: works in close collaboration with Health and Social Services Departments, voluntary organisations and parents.

It undertakes collaborative research into aspects of provision for pupils with special educational needs and students with learning difficulties and / or disabilities.

It also endeavours to identify and disseminate innovative practice amongst teachers and professionals working with these young people.

OxSpec: publications are produced as a contribution to debate and discussion on SEN / SLDD issues. They do not necessarily reflect the policies or practices of the LEA, supporting institutions, or services.

What follows, are the papers researched and written by the Co-ordinator, together with articles published in national journals, and which appeared with permission as OxSpec: Reprints.

1997Initial Teacher Training and Pupils with Special Educational NeedsView
1995 - SeptemberAlternative Programmes at KS4 for SLDDView
1995 - JanuaryTraining Credits and Young People with Special Training NeedsView
1994 - JunePlanning for SLDD in Colleges of FEView
1994Survey of SEN Delegated Funds 1992-93
1993 - AugustSpecial School Advisory Headteacher SchemeView
1993 - MaySurvey of SEN Delegated Funds 1991-92View
1993 - AprilSpecial School Heads' Perception of FE for SLDDView
1993 - AprilColleges of Fe - Incorporating SLDDView


1997Initial Teacher Training and Pupils with Special Educational NeedsSupport for LearningView
1997 - JuneListening to Students with Specific Learning Difficulties in Colleges of F.EThe Skill JournalView
1994 - SeptemberSEN Code of PracticeChild EducationView