Howard Brayton

Howard Brayton


Music Commissions

St Mary's Music

Music Commissions

1952"Daddy Long Legs" Miniature March for PianoJohn Sykes (The John Sykes Project 2011)

St Mary's Festival Anthems

"St. Mary's Festival Anthems", was inspired by a talk which Harry Bramma, Director of the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM), gave in Oxford in the Spring of 1994. He was addressing a small gathering of organists, choir trainers, clergy, and others interested in church music. In his talk, he encouraged all of us to consider commissioning new works for our choirs to perform. St. Mary's North Leigh, took up the challenge.

The Parish Church of St. Mary, is blessed with a small, but talented, balanced, dedicated and hard-working group of singers. The Mass is the central service at which the choirs sings a musical setting, an anthem, an unaccompanied motet and communion hymn.

The initial project of commissioning a piece, for each major festival of the Christian year, has been achieved, together with an introit, a setting of the Mass, a wedding anthem, and pieces for the Patronal Festival and a dedication.

I am very grateful to all those who accepted the commission for very little reward.

Howard Brayton


St. Mary's - North Leigh

Oxfordshire - March 1998

St. MARY'S MASSAnthony Caesar *
INTROIT"Bless O Lord"Michael Gillions
St. MARY"Virgin-born, We Bow Before Thee"Andrew Fletcher
ADVENT"Saviour of the Gentiles Come"Peter Irving
CHRISTMAS"Christ's Coming"Stephen Massie
EPIPHANY"From Church to Church"Malcolm McKelvey **
PASSIONTIDE"Saint Mary Goes A Seeking"Simon Lole
EASTER"Now Glad of Heart Be Everyone"Martin Grundy
ASCENSION"God is Gone up on High"Martin How
WHITSUN"Hail This Joyful Day's Return"David Grundy
TRINITY"Holy Father Great Creator"Roderick Williams
HARVEST"Sing to the Lord of Harvest"Martin Grundy
REMEMBRANCE"For the Fallen"Peter Irving **
PATRONAL"Jerusalem, That Place Divine"Peter Mills
WEDDING"O God of Love, to Thee We Bow"Simon Lole
DEDICATION"Let My Due Feet Never Fall"Peter Irving

(Published by     * Church Music Society     ** Kevin Mayhew)

Other Commissions

WEDDING"O Perfect Love"Andrew Fletcher
BAPTISM"See Israel's Gentle Shepherd Stands"David Blackwell
HYMN"A Hymn of Intercession"Daniel Bishop